Wednesday, March 31, 2010



I am now insured (sort of). There's a big deductible, but let's just say if I get hit by a bus after tripping on my long abaya while crossing Central Ave. illegally from the mosque to the Halal market (there really should be a light in the middle of that street...), no one will have to hold a benefit dinner to raise money for my hospital bills.

Too bad this insurance won't pay for the massage I am going to need after spending my weekend painting the interior of my parent's house.

I am excited about punching out of my 24/7 work and hanging with the fan for three whole days though!!

Monday, March 15, 2010

AWOL for good reason

It's funny that I titled this blog A Gentle Shove, because in the last two weeks, it is exactly what I got. When I left my previous job, my health insurance ended on Feb. 28. I was so busy (and annoyed that Health Partners doesn't seem to support any browser except Internet Explorer (I will save you from rant on this) that I hadn't signed up for new insurance yet, which I am buying on my own.

Two days after my coverage ended, I started getting this stabbing pain in my back, above my kidney on the left. I could barely breathe, and I had no idea what was going on. It came and went, and after a while, I realized it was after eating. Long story short (and a lot of WebMDing, friend chatting goes into the long story) I determined that it must be gallstones. I have been eating poorly since I got so busy.

Anyway, this has been my gentle shove back to eating well. I went to the co-op next door and bought the following:

  • Beets
  • Parsnips
  • Butter Lettuce (it's so pretty!!!)
  • Watercress
  • Lemons
  • Gala apples
  • Organic grape juice (on sale for $2.69—you can't beat that when it's usually like $5!)
  • Walleye fillet
All of these things are super yummy and super good for anyone. I don't know why it's so hard for all of us to just say no to the Doritos® and Reese's Peanut Butter Cup® ice cream (my "treat" to myself on Friday, followed by the worst pain I ever experienced in my life for four hours straight...).

I broiled the walleye with a little olive oil and lemon and made a delicious salad with a watercress dressing made by pulsing olive oil, lemon, vinegar, and mustard then adding the cress and pulsing again. I even chopped up half an apple on the salad and it was really good.

If anyone else has healthy eating/living/attitude stories to share, please feel free to comment!

p.s. My insurance should come through soon, but I may skip the doctor if this new diet helps!